
002: 3 reasons to create an online course

online business online course podcast Sep 20, 2023


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In today's world, it seems like there are a million and one ways to make money online. It's both exciting and overwhelming, isn't it? If you find yourself wondering what's legit and what's a total scam, you aren't alone! In this podcast episode, I'll be discussing 3 reasons you may want to consider creating an online course as a stream of income for your family.


What's an online course?

Before we get into the details, let's break down exactly what an online course is. Essentially, an online course is a series of videos, usually pre-recorded, that are designed to solve a specific problem or bring about a transformation for the person taking the course. Sometimes they come with bonus materials like handouts, access to a Facebook community, or even one-on-one coaching.

What's great about online courses is how versatile and accessible they are. You can teach pretty much anything to anyone who speaks the same language as you! Some things I've seen online courses about are: baking, running an Etsy store, homesteading, parenting a toddler, digital downloads, and so much more.


Why should you consider creating an online course?

There's lots of reasons that creating an online course is a great idea for providing income for your family. But here are three of the top reasons I think online courses are so great.


1. Low start-up costs

One of the best things about online courses is you don't need a ton of money to create one. You really only need two things to get started: an email service provider and a place to host your course.

There are tons of options, so you can choose what best suits your budget and your level of tech-savvy. Some popular options are:

  • ConvertKit: email service provider that offers a free plan up to 1000 subscribers
  • Flodesk: email service provider that is very user-friendly and has a low monthly cost
  • Teachable: course hosting platform that offers a free version
  • Stan Store: course hosting platform that has a low monthly cost
  • Kajabi: all-in-one platform that is more expensive, but makes everything super simple and easy to manage

There will be some fees for these platforms, but compared to other business ventures, these start-up costs are very low.


2. Helping people and providing value

Starting an online course business isn't just about making money--it's about helping people and making a real impact on their lives. Your course will solve problems and provide transformations for real people.

You don't have to have a teaching degree to create a valuable course. Any expertise or knowledge you have can be shared with others to make a positive difference in your student's lives.


3. Potential for passive income

You may have heard the term "passive income" thrown around before and a lot of times, it feels too good to be true. The truth about passive income is that nothing is truly passive--it takes lots of work in the beginning and setting up systems to get your business running on autopilot.

Online courses are no exception. You have to work hard up front to pick a profitable topic, create the course content, and get your marketing down. But once you've laid the foundation, you can start automating your business.

Automation is where the magic happens, letting you earn money without having to work 24/7. It's what gives you the freedom to set your own schedule and prioritize the things that truly matter.


Just like anything that's worth having, starting an online course business takes work and dedication. But they are definitely worth considering as a legit way to earn money online so you can build a life you love.


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